Selamat Hari Lebaran!
Minal Aidil Wal Faizin!
Salam Syawal to all of you! Wow, It has been awhile staying away from my blog since the past ramadhan.
Well, syawal is a blessing month for this year celebration. A month that I have been waiting for after fasting for one month and it's a celebration for me & family members. This year Hari Raya we celebrated quite grand and happening.
First day of raya, we, family decided not to go for visiting as our family, relatives and friends coming over to our place for the celebrations. Its a tradition for our family to invite all peoples to our house. I was so delighted when Mayor of Southwest District, Dr Amy Khor and my advisor, Dr Lim Wee Kiak PBM came to my house with their respective grassroots leaders. I felt honoured when they visited me that day. Not to mention, several MPs and patrons also came to my house with their family members. Thank You So much! Appreciated it.
2nd & 3rd Day of Raya, the whole family went out for visiting. The unique of our family is that the whole of us will wear the same color and a team of 20 paxs went around islandwide to visit almost 14-18 houses per day. Happening sia! But definitely it was so tiring and feel exhausted. Thats the time, I got chance to meet my counsins, aunties and uncles. The interesting part is 3 of my grandchildrens followed us for the visiting. Counsins were so unhappy when they started to call us 'Yayi' or 'Nyayi' old!
The Following week, Variasianz has their first ever happening hari raya outing. We booked 40 seaters bus and visited all our member's house. I felt the bonding and our ties are getting more stronger. The family we built are much closer now. We are like siblings. All of us wear as glamourest as we can and start with our 'KECOH KECOH RAYA'. The newest thing we did is doing our first video clip called 'Manis Manis Lebaran'. It's almost done and gonna launch it on this Saturday. Thanks to Ikhwan, Izan, Aee and Niezam! The behind scene people who make it happen.
We had our big collaboration with Sriwana, Sri Warisan, Kirana Seni, Era and Attri for our first joint hari raya event ' Bintang Bintang Lebaran' at Furama Riverfront Hote' recently. It was grand event and we had a good times together. Variasi is part of the working committee and also host a game segment called 'deal no deal' by Kak Yoyo and the rest of our team. Eventhough we came with a small group, but we are much welcomed by them and an exposure for us with them. Thanks to fauzy and all teams who gave us an opportunity and platform to be part of you all. We will see you guys again in 2012.
On 24 Sept, Variasi cultural artistes combined with PA ERA, Azpirasi and Atrika together into an grand opening dance for Chingay's Preview to showcase for almost 1000 MAECs chairman and members in MESRA Lebaran 2010 at PA HQ. Me myself was so proud with Variasians for all their efforts and hardwork in making themselves presence in the arts scene especially that evening. Thanks to Aee, Izan, Nad and Anis! You are damn great dancers!
Hari Raya is a prosperous month and year for me. Getting close with everyone and build a strong bonding with my loves one. Hosted an open house at my place last sunday and suprisingly the turned out was like almost 100 guests. Thanks to you guys! Maybe it could be the last year for us to celebrate Raya at our most memorable house.
Well, its all begin with happiness. Im now with my new work and job scope. More challenging and it is a great job. Unity Primary School opened up my talents and to be their first creative staff to work on with performing arts for their schools. Thanks to one of my love one...who bring me in to this job. Farewell to BBE GEN Y, and I wont be seeing them anymore. I left them with many sweet memories and my last tears for them on 30 September.
Two more events coming up! Hooray Hooray Raya on 9 Sept and following day with Raya Glams 2010! Variasianz stay on man! Lets move it and get it done......

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