The day we shared our goals and dreams together
The day we laughed, fight and cried at the most historical venue
The day we tapped each other shoulder
The day I sent you off, sad and misses without limit
The day I witness your changed
.... and the day I realised that I am starting losing you, we far apart and I'm standing alone again
Many things have changed in my life this month, something has make me to move further to achieve in my career.. Somethings has make me both sad and happy. But the careless you give, I feel and realise it, seems you denied it and keeping the ego with you. Well, Im used to live alone and being lonely, again tested by Allah maybe...
Ya allah
Berikan aku petunjuk dan hidayah dari mu
Bukakanlah mata hati ku
Lahirkanlah keimanan yang tinggi dengan ke arah mu yang sempurna
Lindungilah orang orang yang aku sayang
Ampunilah segala dosa mereka dan tempatkan mereka dengan orang2 yang beriman
lyfe haf to move on my dear.
ReplyDeleteRemember, ALLAH knows whats best for you =)
Mudah2han the new place brings more happiness and murah rezeki =)