It has been quite long time I have never been updated my blog. Well, what can I say.. I just missed my blog and everyone so much! Okay, what's my update now? I am quite damn busy this few days, in fact weeks..and months. Being a performer and orang seni ni...always busy and pack with performances, projects and meetings. Dont complaint! Thats what I want rite. Thats the dream that I have been aiming for since I'm small. Work hard for it and I got it. Alhamdullilah, doa has been read by him. He fullfill my wishes and prayers. It is not that easy to be someone as performer, behind scene man and a person who lead a group of talents who also wanna their dreams come true like me. Well, everyone wants it. But I always adviced them ' You must work hard and get your work to do the talking'. It's time for me to hunt and identify new talents to be my next leaders. I need few of them to be in my leagues, eventhough there are two or three of them but skills developing and guidance have to be prepare for them. Give myself of two years to get it everything done before I can proceed myself with the future that I set a long time ago. Variasi is there now. We stand strong on the platform and trust has been given by many parties. We are known and our work been recognised. Variasi has shined out through many events and currently involved in National event 'NDP 2010'.. After for few years waiting for this chance, at last Variasi will be receiving 'National Day Award 2010' by DPM & Minister Defence Mr Teo Chee Hean on 25 August. Alhamdullilah Hi Rabbil Alammin.... Syukur pada mu Ya Allah. This is all the hardwork from everyone in Variasi for all these years. Thank You so much! Rentrarts was a successful event! For the first time, Variasi organized an outdoor event to bringing the arts for the youth. It was a good effort and initiative by 3 fellows talented young directors, Isk..Yaqin and Niezam. Without the rest of them and variasi peeps, Variasi wont be able making the event happen. Thank you to you 3 and all members!
Currently busy with my NDP 10, becoming a lead dancer with other Variasi dancers is not that easy. Furthermore, for the first time Variasi been given an opportunity to combine with Teater Tari Era and WD Dikir Barat together on one performance by PA. Wow! Great experience! ERA peeps are fun and friendly. Azri, abg anuar, zairin, Bada, Arif and the juniors are great people. Gonna miss them and evryone's laughter after 9th of August. Cant wait for the actual day. One people..One Nation..One Singapore!
In a midst of preparation for NDP 10, I wont forget for my love one's birthday. 30th July is quite meaningful day to me adik's birthday. At last he is turning 21. Dah besar! hehe! I gave him a surprise birthday gift and hope he like it. I am so lucky to have him as my own brother. Thanks to Allah. He gave me a brother to me. I have promise you sumthing and I shall keep it and do it. Happy Birthday ROBIN!

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