Alhamdulilah Ramadan is back! The months with a lot of blessings!
Its just the 2nd day of fasting and I felt the 'nikmat of ramadan'. May Allah gives me a best health during this period.
2 Days getting myself up to terawih and tonite will be going again. More terawih is coming and more things to be done during the fasting month.
Craving for hari raya shopping is coming, i feel it man. Hmmm still thinking of wat baju I am going to grab for my 1st and 2nd day of raya. Start to do my shopping list and budgeting for this celebration. Cant wait for it!
NDP just ended last Monday. A lot of sweet moment and unforgetablle memories happened that night. Seriously it was a great experience and fun to work with ERAs and all dancers that involved with us in NDP 2010 this year. Thanks to Abang Osman and all ERA's gang for giving Variasi an opportunity to work together in this year parade.. It could be my last parade after total of 10 parades that I have involved all this while....

Group picture on 9 August 2010...the last moment we had!

Having some fun with photo taking after the parade
While waiting at the gate entrance before performance.....

The spirit we had during the finale......

Our team players....

Selamat Berpuasa to all of you!
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