So moodyyy... sleepy and damn tired!
Getting pissed off with something, but I'm ok. Still standing strong! 3 weeks before PESTARIASI! Many things need to be settle.. Our team are so stressful expediting many tasks that been given. Tahan beb! Tahan! Let's get all the thing done by 4 April.
Yesterday, came back at 12mn. Just ended our music editing from Niezam's place. After all the editing, wow..the music sounds great! power beb! Cant wait for the moment.
Today many stuff to do... production rehearsal at 2pm, meeting at Furama City at 5pm and then proceed for shooting with 3G Karma at 7pm till midnight. I have to leave my boys and girls from Pestariasi rehearsal tonite. Sorry guys!
Ibu called me yesterday, and asked me 'Bila nak datang KL.. Kawan kawan tunggu kat sana'. Hahaha ..aik rindu ke?? Insya allah, will be there soon. Tunggu masa yang tepat.
Okielah nothing much I want to update, really damn tired but I miss someone so much lah...I donnoe whether dia tahu tak...haizzzzzz? hmmmm lama tak jalan-jalan ngan dia and joke around like last time..... clueless %$$&*^*&(&*)*)^
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