Masya Allah! a long deep breath...
No one can stop us of what we are doing now, coz we are in a right expressway and proper destination,
No matter who hates us, u heard the side story and saw part of the dirty things that created by ehmmm***
As long as we dont throw sands on your rice pot, joyly well dont ever do that to us
We dont need anything and owe you anything
Its our own effort and hardwork for the past 9 years... not over confident, but we believed it,
The goal we set, the strength we have and the unity & intergrity we had just form
New book, New Year and New Goals for us
How slow, how fast we are, nobody business..
If you think we are going to shine you out and make you more glams through the media and prestige stage, dream on...no short cut, you still have to pass through all ERPs and pay your road tax.... we are not a place for you to be glamour and star! if we dont give, dont tell people that we break the promise or playing around with u..Get a big large size mirror from IKEA and place it infront you..ask yourself whether you deserve it?
Remember we stand at our own feet and alone. We dont beg like beggars, its our own effort to find our rice pot. If we have to beg, we beg professionally.
Again, we dont mind who ever hate us by just listening to people remarks, or you yourself gave untruth remarks to make other believe you. We do arts with sincerity, honesty and loyalty.
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