Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I knew it...

Tired and stressful.....
Many things to do this week with load of works, on-going rehearsals and meetings.
Countdown to 60 days for my reservist
Countdown to 50 days for upcoming production
Countdown to 25 days for shooting.......
Just did house visit to my Malay residents at Canberra yesterday, getting to know them better and well what I can said 'they are friendly resident & neighbours'
Ended at 10pm, proceed to Dr Lim's office and get his approval for setting up the first Bazaaar Ramadhan @ Canberra. You know what' It has been approved by him', Alhamdullilah berkat for our team and rezeki for them...has to start work now and make it happen....

It is a blessing year for me
Promoted for my reservist..
Promoted as Artistic Producer for my company..
Nominated as Singapore Youth Award 2010 (Arts & Theatre)..
Variasi has been working so hard and at last to her right direction this year..

Without my current team and member of VPA who stay loyal with us, it wont happen! Thankful to my love ones - mak, abah, adik, hudah and variasians who stay with me and give me the great strength.

Hmmm lastly, adik & hudah.... where you want to go for our holiday? It's on abang... :)

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