Friday, March 11, 2011

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. You dont have charge of the constellations, but you do have charge of whether your read, develop new skills and take new classes.

There are those of us who always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down -- until, until, until. It always seems as if there seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living.

No man can always be right. So the struggle is to do one's best, to keep the brain and conscience clear, never be swayed by unworthy motives or inconsequential reasons, but to strive to unearth the basic factors involved, then do one's duty.
Everyone has their own dream. But its a matter of work hard for it or just care less. No successor No potentials till today, many of them just on dreaming but not create the dream that leads them to a success. Hmmmm.....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The last moment

Me and my beloved sis...
Good friend that always there for any event..'Afi'

Zulfaqar from Azpirasi

Male dancers from Azpirasi & Variasi

1 minute action before we leave for heartland
It was a good memory afterall. Great experienced working with PA & Azpirasi. We ended our Chingay with Chingay Heartland@ Bishan on last sunday. We separated and walk to a different way. But wait! We are not stopping there. We are turning back! Its time for Gentarasa. Another National production for Malay Arts. Bila bayu menderu..thats our theme for this year. I been tasked to be Production Manager & Casting Coordinator for Gentarasa. Wow thats high post and challenging! But will do it and make him proud.
For you guys, I am not leaving you ya. Its time! Work independently without me and face all challenge. You can do it, I believe it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chingay berakhir
Setelah 3 bulan berkerja keras, acara yang dinanti-nantikan telah pun sampai
Bangga dan menitis air mata aku buat seketika, pabila irama dan gendangan Melayu bergema di sepanjang F1, bandar Singapura.
Perarakan kontingen Melayu telah menunjukkan keteguhan dan semangat satu bangsa 'MELAYU'. Ini telah membuktikan, bahawa indahnya budaya kita, mesranya masyarakat kita dan anak anak Melayu kita memang jati serta berwawasan.
Inilah sejarah Chingay setelah berpuluh tahun yang lalu, buat kali pertama 1200 peserta berkumpul dan mempersembahkan 'WARISAN KU GEMILANG'

Aku rasa gembira dan senyum dengan lebar, melihat apa yang diimpikan selama ini menjadi nyata. Realiti dan memang berjaya! Itulah harapan kita semua terlebih lagi orang yang aku hormati, segani dan sayangi, Osman Hamid. Beliau telah banyak membimbing kita semua dan membuka ruang untuk anak anak muda seperti kita untuk menonjolkan bakat masing masing.

Disitulah lahirnya identiti kita sebagai masyarakat Melayu yang majmuk. Disitulah tempat aku riang tertawa, bersenda gurau dan dapat kenalan baru. Kemesraan aku bersama penari penari dan aktivis yang lain semakin besar. Apatah lagi, berkerja sama sesama rakan seperjuangan aku. Seperti None, Zairin, Bada, Anuar, Azpirasi, Atrika dan lain lain lagi.

Hujan tak berteduh, panas yang menjadi bahang, tidak dihiraukan lagi. Makan selonggok, menunggu seperti bulan tak tiba. Akhirnya berpisah jua, sayu rasanya. Aku berharap Chingay akan menjadi sebuah acara yang boleh meneruskan silaturahim bersama diantara kita dan menjadi kebangaan negara untuk MELAYU!

Indah seni budaya kita
warisan kita ninda ke ninda
Indah lagi bahasa kita
perisai seni perjuangan kita

Langkah Maju teruslah Maju...........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Satu lagi, kejayaan aku merainya

Semakin lama, semakin ramai orang memerhati dan menilai segala kerja kerja yang aku dan anak anak buah aku buat... Tak cerewet, Tak complaint! Yang penting semangat dan keiklasan! Baru-baru ni wartawan buat coverage tentang kita, mengenai penyertaan kita di Chingay 2011. Tak sangka pulak, coverage tu besar dan tag nya telah menghambat hati pembaca. 'Dua beradik bergaidng bahu'. Luar biasa dan satu pencapaian mengenai kita dua beradik. Kongsi minat bersama, bergiat bersama dan aktif dengan bidang yang sama. Sehinggakan ramai yang tak tahu kita ni adik beradik, sampailah hari ni baru dorang sedar. Itulah istimewanya tentang kita berdua. Tak perlu heboh heboh, tapi ada yang mencari.

Aku bersyukur kerana aku telah menjalankan tanggung jawab aku seperti mana yang diamanahkan. Duduk sama baya, berdiri sama tinggi, jatuh sama sama dan bangun sama menegak. Siapa siapa pun boleh jadi 'public figure'. Nak jadi PF bukan senang. Bukan nari nak, besok dapat. It comes naturally. Orang akan melihat kerja kerja kau, sumbangan bakti kau dan yang penting orang akan pandang kau punya outstanding work. Hmmm jangan kata Public Figure, mungkin Ikon Negara.

Aku? Belum sampai masanya, banyak lagi nak belajar. Banyak lagi ilmu nak dicari. Aku takkan berhenti disini. Selagi tenaga aku mampu membawa aku ke hujung pencapaian yang lebih besar, aku akan teruskan. Yang pesti keberkatan, keiklasan dan restu dari orang orang yang tersayang.

'Dont take short cut in your life' Berusaha dan terus berusaha.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life has to be simple
Smile and happy everyday will make your life brighter
Be more grateful
Learn to appreciate what you have now
Look around you and they care so much with you

2011 will be a great year for me
it takes time for me to set my goal and try to achieve it by end of the year
well what can I say..nothing much. You just need to work hard and work for it
Dont take short cut when doing things in your life
Even it takes 100 years for you to achieve, but you will feel the satisfication and no regret...
Do it before it's too late for you

Cant wait for Thursday
It's another gathering for my family and friends
My beloved little boy birthday
Surprise present is coming
And this is a special one from your uncle..............
Long weekend, doesnt mean long break
Work work work work.........! Still continue...........

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Minggu ni memang sibuk
Schedule terlalu tight
Mahupun kat kerja, rehearsal, rumah dan variasi
Fikirkan banyak perkara dalam satu masa, isyyhh kerja giler tu
Fikir punya fikir, kerja punya kerja.. badan semakin lesu dan penat
mengigil, kaki mula sengal dan badan pun dah naik sakit...
Tapi takper, ini semua tugas amanah dan tanggung jawab kita
harus laksanakan dengan baik dan sempurna..

Haiz 3 weeks to go sebelum parade..
Cepat cepat habiskan..
Lepas tu boleh rest............. hmmmm need short trip to relax mana eh?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Past 2 weekends was so tiring and exhausted

Working so hard for the parade which never end and hope to end it soon

This was the biggest challenge where I was tasked to hold a choreography and managed several segments. 1200 performers..No kidding!

But I felt proud at the same time coz Abg Osman gave me a full trust to complete this task. It was hard to convince him with our work. His expectation is high and what he want is 'QUALITY'. He has been my mentor since I learnt dance with him when I am 13 years old. I remembered his craziness, well umbrella dance was not the first performance but something else that both us cant forget it. That was a sweet memory in those time. Well now, I am standing beside a man who is known and famous not only in Singapore but Asia. Worked with a professional choreographer in one of the most biggest event 'Chingay Parade'. Tiring but worth it. 3 more weeks to go. Shifted myself back to Variasi. Lost touch for a long time. We are back soon, starting our engine slowly to complete our journey for our upcoming 10th anniversary. Cant wait for it.

Sat alone and looking out from window seeing two loving birds flew together happily. Keep me thinking and smiling. When will be my turn? Haizz...cuzzins are all getting married and those married now with two kids. Expecting from my family and friends, that I will marry first and got 2 kids at the age of 30. But still stay single and enjoying myself with my performances and other life. Heart is open slowly, touching several girls heart but confused. In a way who should I choose and be my life partner. It's hard now. It's not that easy. Marriage, you cant play with it. You must think carefully and wisely.

Hope I will find someone...soon..maybe in a short while....